Preparing the saints
This book is primarily written to those who are believers in Christ Jesus as their Lord and Savior and who believe that the Bible is inspired by God. Believing the Scriptures to be “God-breathed” means understanding that the writers only wrote what He put in their hearts to write. The Bible informs us that all Scripture is authored by God, and that it is truth and is authoritative: “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; 17so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16–17).
Among other things, you can expect to see clearly from Scripture the following things in this book:
- What evidence there is biblically that Jesus could return as early as in the late summer/early fall of 2031 and through the same period in 2033. This indicates that the final seven-year period could begin in a window between as early as late summer/early fall of 2024 and the same time frame in 2026.
- Why the final seven-year period could begin in a period between late summer of 2024 and late summer of 2026.
- Why the great tribulation may begin between spring of 2028 to spring of 2030.
- What the Scripture says you should do to avoid having to endure the great tribulation.
- Why some believers will have to endure the great tribulation.
- When and where Scripture shows that Jesus returns to rapture (gather) the saints.
- Why some saints, but not all, are kept from “the hour of testing that will come upon the whole earth, and what Scripture says you can do to be kept from this hour of testing.
- How and when the saints are rescued by Jesus from God’s wrath.
- How we (the saints) will know for sure that His return is near.
- Whether Jesus’ reign on earth for a thousand years is literal or symbolic.
- That there are two resurrections (apart from Jesus’ resurrection) and what the difference is between them.
- Is there going to be an individual who is the antichrist? If so, how can we recognize him?
- When does God’s wrath begin?
- Can Jesus presently return at any moment?
In recent decades, a disturbing trend has emerged in many evangelical churches. Much of the teaching on prophecy related to the last days as revealed primarily in the books of Revelation and Daniel has been ignored or dismissed. In the few instances where it has been taught, the overwhelming message has been that Christians will not have to face the great tribulation, but rather that the rapture will rescue them before it begins. This perspective, contrary to centuries of mainstream church teaching, has led to a sense of complacency and naivety among many Christians who are ill-prepared to face trials, suffering, and persecution.
I am deeply concerned about this trend. I believe in maintaining love and unity in the body of Christ, and yet I believe that many Christians have been misled by an incomplete and distorted understanding of biblical prophecy. While I am aware that my message may challenge and even contradict the views that some have long held dear, I am committed to being faithful to the truth as revealed in Scripture, no matter how unpopular it may be. For you the reader, I encourage you to remember the Bible encourages us to “test all things” and to “hold fast to what is good” (1 Thessalonians 5:21, NKJV). Therefore, it is important to approach these discussions with an attitude of humility and a willingness to learn from one another.
A word of caution is in order. I am not predicting a date for Jesus’ return. There have been notable examples of people over the centuries who have predicted a date for the Lord’s return, only to find themselves and those who followed them disillusioned and confused. A group called the Millerites, who were followers of William Miller, a Baptist preacher, sold or gave away their belongings, anticipating the Lord’s return between March 21, 1843 and March 21, 1844. Needless to say, when the predicted dates came and went, they were disheartened.
Similarly, the Jehovah’s Witnesses have made several failed predictions about the return of Jesus. In 1914, they predicted that Jesus would return to earth, but when this did not happen, they revised their prediction to suggest that Jesus had returned invisibly. They made similar predictions in 1925 and again in 1975, and you need not be told how these turned out. Others have made predictions as well, all of which proved to be premature.
However, I am emphatically stating that I am not saying you should count on it happening in the time frame I suggest. I am saying it is reasonable to think that Jesus may return in the September-October period of 2031. He will not return then unless the individual spoken of in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12 is apparent to Christians in the three-and-a-half-year period immediately beforehand. If on the other hand, this individual is apparent, then you can count on the Lord’s return soon. According to Scripture, for the unbelieving world, “God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false” (From 2 Thessalonians 2:11). The result will be they will not expect it, and it will come on them “like a thief in the night.” Rather, my point is if indeed His return is to be in this period, then believers who are consistently studying the Scriptures and striving to live according to them will increasingly perceive signs indicating that the event is approaching. The Scriptures confirm this to be the case, as you will discover. Moreover, Scripture indicates a unique seven-year period will precede the moment of His return and it could begin in late summer of 2024. I believe the final 42 months of this time will be the great tribulation period that Jesus spoke about. The events that will occur during that period will be unmistakable to those who belong to the Lord. This said, if we are truly disciples of Christ Jesus, and if He is returning soon, you and I will know it for the signs will become increasingly clear as the day draws near.
I invite you to see if I am mistaken and in error in some of this. If so, perhaps the Holy Spirit will reveal that to you, and you can share it with me. I would not be the first to have been mistaken, and perhaps you will bring to my attention Scripture that I have overlooked that will alter my view.
If you believe I am in error, please reach out to me at [email protected], but be prepared to substantiate your view with Scripture. In this book, I have made a conscious effort to avoid targeting individuals by name. However, I have not hesitated to use Scripture to address erroneous teachings. My intention in authoring this book is rooted in love and concern, and I hope that those who read it will respond in kind, refraining from personal attacks and engaging in a spirit of mutual respect and understanding.
The Author
Robert Hart is an elder in his evangelical church in Atlanta, Georgia, an occasional preacher, and a long-time teacher of God’s Word. As a seasoned and dedicated student of the Scriptures for over five decades, he brings a wealth of knowledge and insight to the topic of popular end time beliefs.
Mr. Hart is a graduate of the University of Georgia, and has enjoyed a successful career as a businessman and is now enjoying traveling, speaking, and writing, as well as occasionally painting in his retirement. His faith and love of the Lord and passion for the Word of God, especially Scriptures regarding Bible prophecy coupled with his extensive biblical knowledge, has led him to explore the origins and impact of popular beliefs throughout history.
Beyond his scholarly pursuits, he treasures his role as a husband of forty-two years to his beloved wife Nancy, and as a proud father of two grown children and doting grandfather to three grandchildren. His close friends know him as Bob, but his wife and grandchildren call him Bobby. His personal experiences and deep-rooted faith provide a unique perspective in his writing, as he navigates the complex world of popular beliefs with a discerning eye and a compassionate heart.
With his engaging writing style and well-researched approach, Bob invites readers on a journey of discovery, challenging conventional wisdom and providing fresh insights into eschatology. Whether in the pulpit, the classroom, or the pages of this manuscript, Bob is passionate about sharing the Word of God and encouraging readers to think critically about the beliefs that shape our lives.
Readers of all backgrounds will be captivated by Bob’s thought-provoking exploration of popular beliefs, and will be inspired to engage in meaningful conversations and share their newfound understanding on social media and beyond. Prepare to be enlightened and challenged by this seasoned scholar’s unique perspective on the intriguing world of popular beliefs.
Recently the author delivered a message addressing how the Scripture instructs Christians to deal with the issues of those who practice various forms of sexual immorality and claim to be Christians and desire to join with us as we assemble to worship together. This is a complex issue, but one which the Word clearly addresses. You may view the teaching together with the relevant scriptures at the following link:
Why Read This?
Three Theories About Jesus’ Return
Pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation, or post-tribulation rapture?
One rapture, or two?
Three different theories about the Lord’s return related to the seven-year period before Jesus returns will be examined in detail considering Scripture in this book. One theory is that the Lord returns at the start of the seven years for His saints, and then comes again a second time at the end of the seven-year period. Those who subscribe to this first theory also hold to the belief that during the seven-year period, many who were initially “left behind” in the first rapture will repent and become believers in Christ. As a result, these will be included in the kingdom of God when, they believe, Jesus comes again a second time at the end of the seven years and raptures those new believers who were left behind the first time.
Another theory holds that He comes somewhere in the middle of this period, and the last teaches that the Lord will return for His followers near the conclusion of the seven-year period. In all three theories, it is acknowledged that there are saints on the earth during at least some portion of the seven years. Likewise, all acknowledge that the final three and a half years will be a time containing great difficulties for those on earth. However, referring to the final three and a half years as a time when “great difficulties” are in store is a significant understatement of the gravity and magnitude of what is to come. If our Lord’s return is really as close as ten years away, we will soon discover one way or another which of these theories about the rapture of the saints is correct. My interpretation of the prophecies about Christ’s return aligns with the third theory, but we will examine Scriptures which are used to support each one.
Why Should We Study Prophecy?
To gain insight into God’s plans for us, it is crucial to study the prophecies in Scripture that unveil these revelations. The question arises, “Why study prophecy, especially pertaining to the end times, the “last days?” Revelation 1:3 tells us, “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things which are written in it; for the time is near” (Revelation 1:3). Scripture also attests that “no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God” (2 Peter 1:20–21).
Some have the attitude that studying Scripture on prophecy and the return of Christ is pointless as it would not change how they currently live. However, what if a thorough study of God’s Word on these subjects leads to a more sober and prayerful walk in your daily life? If you become convinced that His return is this close, would you be praying fervently for the salvation of your loved ones, and for yourself if you are unsure of your own salvation? Could it not equip and motivate you to share these truths with those you love so they will not be caught off guard? Ecclesiastes 7:4 reminds us that “the mind of fools is focused on worldly pleasures.” While it is not wrong to enjoy the good things that God has provided in our lives, He warns us about loving the things of the world. Studying the last days and the return of Jesus could lead to a deeper devotion to Christ and a greater concern for the eternal destiny of your loved ones. The alternative is too significant to ignore.
Are you comfortable in your Christian life, enjoying the blessings of your family, your home, your friends, and your church? Take a moment to imagine scenes of Ukrainian families, huddled in basements and bomb shelters because of sudden invasion by Russia, with no basic necessities like toilets, heat, and sufficient food and water, and the constant fear of injury or death by a missile blast. Conflicts in Syria, Yemen, and elsewhere are not dissimilar. What does this have to do with the last days and the return of Christ? The connection becomes clear as you delve into God’s Word on these topics.
Even if you approach the prophecies about the end times with a very different perspective than mine, I strongly believe that journeying with me through the Scriptures on these topics will be a blessing to you. God preserved these prophecies for a reason, intending for us to be impacted by them just as much as any other part of His Word. Will you be changed by a mindful study of them? I believe you can count on it. Will you be more devoted to prayer? Will your life be more intentionally directed toward Jesus as you look forward to His return? Or will you be like the mockers described in 2 Peter 3: 3-4, dismissing the promise of His return and continuing to live unchanged? “Know this first of all, that in the last days, mockers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts, and saying, ‘Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation’ ” (2 Peter 3:3–4).
Is it not worth turning our attention to these prophecies to avoid becoming like these mockers we are warned about? We are told that a great “falling away” is one of two signs that must precede His return. This is the apostasy. This abandonment of the faith is happening presently, and the indications are that it is accelerating. A Pew Poll reported by UPI on December 14, 2021 indicated the number of Americans who identified as Christian dropped 15% over the previous 14 years. We will examine the apostasy and another requirement for His return. According to Scripture He cannot come at any moment until these two events have occurred. Those who presently say Jesus can come at any moment are failing to understand what He meant when he said He will come as a thief in the night. Still explaining the answer to His disciples’ question about the signs of His return, Jesus continues: “For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will. Unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short.” (It clearly reads as though the elect are still there, enduring tribulation.) “Then if anyone says to you, ‘Behold, here is the Christ,’ or ‘There He is,’ do not believe him. For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect” (Matthew 24:21-24). He warned us about false prophets, and false Christs. The hallmark of false prophets in the Old Testament was that when the true prophets of God were warning people about grave events ahead, the false prophets were saying, “oh no, you need not worry.” By studying prophecy that pertains to our time, we can avoid being deceived by false prophets.
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